Sponsoring Ministry:
Executing Agency:
Date of Approval by CDWP:
Incorporation of Company:
Spun Yarn Company (pvt) Ltd
March 18th.2010
June 27th.2011
The purpose of the project is to consume the left over waste of cotton ginning industry to produce useful raw material for next processes. The proposed facility aims to consume waste of cotton spinning industry in the form of card fly and dropping to convert it into valuable market product.
The project would enhance the competitiveness of ginning and spinning industry of this region. It will also create job opportunities for the people of less Developed Areas.
The Government of Pakistan aims to facilitate 170 direct beneficiaries. The project will also create 200 indirect employment opportunities through this manufacturing facility
M/s: Spun Yarn Research and Development Company Pvt Ltd has increased its capacity from 3 frames to 8 frames in 2019-20 with private sector investment.
Company rained over 5000 employees
during last 2 years
M/s: Spun Yarn Research and Development Company Pvt Ltd has given direct jobs to over 174 persons in 2019-20
M/s: Spun Yarn Research and Development Company Pvt Ltd has introduced recycled yarn in local market and has achieve a "Green Status" next year
Company earned Gross profit of Rs 6.416 (M) and Net Profit of Rs 1.008 (M) in year 2021-22
Company paid 10.077 (M) Sales tax & 9.72 (M) Income tax during 2021-22
Company was incorporated with SECP on 27th of June, 2011
Land Procurement, Civil Work and Machinery Procurement were all completed by the approval of Board members and under PPRA Rules
Spun Yarn Research and Development Company (Pvt) Ltd started its production in July 2015.
All the formalities by SECP are observed strictly
As per PC-1, this project consists of only 3 frames. We have made this project almost triple (with Private Sector investment) by increasing its initial capacity almost 150%.
The Project has started making profits since 2018.
During last 2 years Company have trained over 500 employees​
Currently 214 employees are working on Contract Basis (in 3 shifts).